Huomio Google Maps antaa gallerian / festivaalitoimiston osoitteen väärin!

Oikea osoite ilmenee täältä:


Please note that Google Maps gives
a wrong address of the place, correct
address is in-fact tainionkosken tie 6
but Google Maps places it in some weird
place. Correct map info here:

keskiviikko 7. lokakuuta 2009

We're looking for artists, application period (1.10.2009 – 1.12.2009) for first third of the year (1.1.2010 – 31.5.2010)

We have three application periods for the next years pieces. First one has already started (1.10.2009 – 1.12.2009) and we're actively seeking for pieces to start the year with (for the duration between 1.1.2010 and 31.5.2010). Main theme for next year is going to be the borderline between humanity / human and culture and the guideline for all our artists is interactivity between the piece and the “audience”. We expect that all the pieces are in direct interaction with the public, either during their creation or during their exhibition. When this criteria is met the piece can be pretty much anything. Examples can be as diverse as street theater, multimedia art, psychodrama larp for few people or anything between or outside these examples.

When applying we require descriptive description of the art piece in question, CV of the artist and portfolio of three pieces (and three pieces only). If the piece your sending to us has been performed/exhibited before please include documentation and press material if any. Also remember to include the resources your piece requires in the application (water, electricity, internet connection and so forth).

Project has roughly 30K euros for the artists to be spent as rent for the pieces for their duration of exhibition/performance. We do not pay for anything than the rent so make your application take that into account. We're targeting a number of 50 artists next year in total and roughly 15-17 for the first third of the year. Artists carry all responsibilities of the pieces outside the rental time, including transportation (we might be able to help thou so it doesn't hurt to ask).

All applications will be read, processed and decided by our jury which includes the following people: Kai Lehikoinen (Head of Education and Development at Theatre Academy, Helsinki Finland), Juhani Järvinen (Dean of Faculty, Fine arts and Design, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences), Marja Huuhtanen (Director of Library at Imatra Finland), Santtu Määttänen (Producer from RawIdea Ltd) and Juha-Pekka Natunen (Producer from RawIdea Ltd).

Applications can be send to following address,

More information will be made available at (and link Human|Culture from there)

Human|Culture: Year of interactive arts,1.1-31.12 2010 Imatra, Finland.

Human|Culture, a year of interactive arts is an art festival and it takes place in Finland and mainly in city of Imatra. Year of interactive arts is meant to represent various kinds of interactive art pieces and they take place allover the city. The purpose of the festival is to advance common knowledge of interactive arts, show the many varieties of very different art pieces, give artists a change to show their skills and in the end make the city environment much more interesting.

Guidelines for the year of interactive arts. The art itself is meant to be very different and freely formed. It does not limit itself only to watchable or touchable pieces. Main point is that everyone can take part of it and feel the varieties of interaction inside and outside the artwork. In the end the viewer will become part of the art piece and the experience. When forming the piece artists are free to use all varieties inside art world.

The festival gathers about 50 artist/artist groups all over the world and brings theirs artworks to Finland and South Karelia. Most of artist will come from Finland but we will take up-to 10-20 foreign artists. Search for art pieces will take place in three parts. First application round starts at 1.10.2009 and ends at 1.12.2009. Those pieces will be showed on 1.1.2010-31.5.2010. Timetable for other application rounds will be called later.

Main point is to collect very different kind of artworks that can really show all the different varieties what interactive arts can truly be. Organizers behind the project are RawIdea Ltd, Imatra Region Development Company, Regional counsil of South Karelia and city of Imatra.

Yours truly, producers from RawIdea.

Juha-Pekka Natunen

Santtu Määttänen

torstai 1. lokakuuta 2009

Ensimmäinen teoshaku alkaa 1.10.2009 ja hakemusten tulee olla perillä 1.12.2009

Human|Culture hakee teoksia, jotka käsittelevät ihmisen ja taiteen rajapintaa vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Teoksilta odotamme suoraa vuorovaikutusta yleisöönsä tai yleisön ottamista mukaan luomisprosessiin. Näiden vaatimusten jälkeen teos voi olla hyvinkin vapaamuotoinen. Hakijoilta edellytämme teoskuvauksen ja suunnitelman teoksen sisällöstä ja sen vaatimista resursseista (sähkö, vesi, jne.), sekä tiivistetyn CV:n ja kolmen valinnaisen teoksen portfolion. Mikäli teos on jo aiemmin ollut esillä, dokumentaatio teoksesta tai tilasta olisi eduksi. Hakemuksen muoto ja tekniikka vapaa, sähköinen muoto on eduksi.

Hakemuksia käsitellään kolmessa erässä ja ensimmäisessä hakuvaiheessa etsimme ensisijaisesti alkuvuoteen 2010 tulevia teoksia, alkuvuodesta alkaa seuraava taiteilijahaku kesän teoksista ja kesällä loppuvuoden teoksista. Teoksista tullaan maksamaan taiteilijalle teosvuokra sen esilläolo ajalta. Taiteilijoille on varattu kokonaisuudessaan yli 30 000 euroa teosvuokriin ja teoksia on tarkoitus saada vuodelle 2010 noin 50 kappaletta. Taiteilija vastaa teoksesta muuna kuin vuokra-aikana. Vuokra-aika on puhtaasti kiinni teoksen luonteesta.

Hakemukset käsittelee asiantuntijaraati, joka valitsee teokset itse teemavuoteen. Raadissa ovat: Juhani Järvinen (Saimaan AMK, koutusjohtaja), Kai Lehikoinen (Teatterikorkeakoulun koulutus- ja kehityspäällikkö), Marja Huuhtanen (Imatran Kaupungin Kirjastonjohtaja) ja Human|Culturen tuottajat Santtu Määttänen ja Juha-Pekka Natunen.

Hakupapereiden toimittamisesta kannattaa tiedustella etukäteen puhelimitse numerosta: 050 526 2213 (Santtu Määttänen) tai 040 762 4217 (Juha-Pekka Natunen) tai sähköpostitse osoitteesta info(at) Sähköisessä muodossa olevat portfoliot, hakemukset ja cv:t ovat suotavia mutta vastaanotamme niitä myös perinteisesti postitse. Emme palauta taiteilijoille heidän lähettämää materiaalia.